
Marc Thilo Figge

Team Head

Lisa Herbich

Team assistant

Ahmed Daali Chaari

IT Assistant

Scientific Co-Workers

Anastasia Solomatina

Group leader, Modeling, PostDoc

Carl-Magnus Svensson

Group leader, Image analysis, PostDoc

Dhruv Khatri

Image analysis, PostDoc

Ruman Gerst

Image analysis, PostDoc

Zoltán Cseresnyés

Image analysis, PostDoc

Doctoral Researchers

Arjun Sarkar

Doctoral researcher, Image analysis

Jana Wilms

Doctoral researcher, Modeling

Karoline Schied

Doctoral researcher, Modeling

Marius Wank

Doctoral researcher

Mounir Zerdani

Doctoral researcher, Image analysis

Parastoo Akbarimoghaddam

Doctoral researcher, Image analysis

Philipp Städter

Doctoral researcher, Modeling

Simone Piccioni

Doctoral researcher, Modeling

Yann Bachelot

Doctoral researcher, Modeling

Bachelor and Master students

Christoph Manitz

Bachelor/Master student

Trainees and assistants

Abdalla Abdalla

Assistant, Trainees and assistants