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Aspergillus fumigatus hijacks human p11 to redirect fungal-containing phagosomes to non-degradative pathway.

Cell Host Microbe
Jia LJ, Rafiq M, Radosa L, Hortschansky P, Cunha C, Cseresnyés Z, Krüger T, Schmidt F, Heinekamp T, Straßburger M, Loeffler B, Doenst T, Lacerda JF, Campos A, Figge MT, Carvalho A, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA

The decision whether endosomes enter the degradative or recycling pathway in mammalian cells is of fundamental importance for pathogen killing, and its malfunctioning has pathological consequences. We discovered that human p11 is a critical factor for this decision. The HscA protein present on the conidial surface of the human-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus anchors p11 on […]

The lipid raft-associated protein stomatin is required for accumulation of dectin-1 in the phagosomal membrane and for full activity of macrophages against Aspergillus fumigatus.

Goldmann M, Schmidt F, Cseresnyés Z, Orasch T, Jahreis S, Hartung S, Figge MT, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA

Alveolar macrophages are among the first cells to come into contact with inhaled fungal conidia of the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. In lung alveoli, they contribute to phagocytosis and elimination of conidia. As a counter defense, conidia contain a grey-green pigment allowing them to survive in phagosomes of macrophages for some time. Previously, we […]

Tuning the corona-core ratio of polyplex micelles for selective oligonucleotide delivery to hepatocytes or hepatic immune cells.

Foo WL, Cseresnyés Z, Rössel C, Teng Y, Ramoji A, Chi M, Hauswald W, Huschke S, Hoeppener S, Popp J, Schacher FH, Sierka M, Figge MT, Press AT#, Bauer M#

Targeted delivery of oligonucleotides or small molecular drugs to hepatocytes, the liver’s parenchymal cells, is challenging without targeting moiety due to the highly efficient mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) of the liver. The MPS comprises Kupffer cells and specialized sinusoidal endothelial cells, efficiently clearing nanocarriers regardless of their size and surface properties. Physiologically, this non-parenchymal shield […]

Polymer-based particles against pathogenic fungi: A non-uptake delivery of compounds.

Biomater Adv
Orasch T*, Gangapurwala G*, Vollrath A, González K, Alex J, De San Luis A, Weber C, Hoeppener S, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Guerrero-Sanchez C, Schubert US#, Brakhage AA#

The therapy of life-threatening fungal infections is limited and needs urgent improvement. This is in part due to toxic side effects of clinically used antifungal compounds or their limited delivery to fungal structures. Until today, it is a matter of debate how drugs or drug-delivery systems can efficiently reach the intracellular lumen of fungal cells […]

JIPipe: Visual batch processing for ImageJ.

Nat Methods
Gerst R*, Cseresnyés Z*, Figge MT#

The continuous development of new microscopy techniques requires the parallel evolution of image analysis workflows. ImageJ provides a high level of accessibility to bioimage processing, which is still impeded by the necessity of developing scripts to achieve reproducibility, and to comply to the FAIR principles. We provide a visual language termed JIPipe that allows the […]

Nasal airflow promotes default mode network activity.

Respir Physiol Neurobiol
Salimi M, Ayene F, Parsazadegan T, Nazari M, Jamali Y, Raoufy MR

Background and objectives Default mode network (DMN) is a principal network that is more active at the baseline functional state of consciousness and spontaneous brain activity. Nasal breathing beyond the oxygen supply, entrained brain oscillations in widespread brain regions. Consistent with the important role of nasal breathing on neural oscillation for brain function, here we […]

Targeting of phagolysosomes containing conidia of the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus with polymeric particles.

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol
González K*, Gangapurwala G*, Alex J*, Vollrath A, Cseresnyés Z, Weber C, Czaplewska JA, Hoeppener S, Svensson CM, Orasch T, Heinekamp T, Guerrero-Sánchez C, Figge MT, Schubert US, Brakhage AA

Conidia of the airborne human-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus are inhaled by humans. In the lung, they are phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages and intracellularly processed. In macrophages, however, conidia can interfere with the maturation of phagolysosomes to avoid their elimination. To investigate whether polymeric particles (PPs) can reach this intracellular pathogen in macrophages, we formulated dye-labeled […]

Analysis of HDACi-coupled Nanoparticles: Opportunities and challenges.

Methods in Molecular Biology
Kühne M, Hofmann S, Lindemann H, Cseresnyés Z, Dzierza A, Schröder D, Godmann M, Koschella A, Eggeling C, Fischer D, Figge MT, Heinze T, Heinzel T

Systemic administration of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi), like valproic acid (VPA), is often associated with rapid drug metabolization and untargeted tissue distribution. This requires high-dose application that can lead to unintended side effects. Hence, drug carrier systems such as nanoparticles (NPs) are developed to circumvent these disadvantages by enhancing serum half-life as well as organ […]

Acceptance of Different Self-sampling Methods for Semiweekly SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Asymptomatic Children and Childcare Workers at German Day Care Centers: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial

Controlled Clinical Trial
Geraldine Engels, Johannes Forster, Andrea Streng, Viktoria Rücker, Paul Rudolph, Franziska Pietsch, Julia Wallstabe, Lars Wallstabe, Maike Krauthausen, Julia Schmidt, Timo Ludwig, Carsten Bauer, David Gierszewski , Jesper Bendig, Sandra Timme, Thomas Jans, Benedikt Weißbrich, Marcel Romanos, Lars Dölken, Peter Heuschmann, Christoph Härtel, Ildikó Gágyor, Marc Thilo Figge, Johannes Liese , Oliver Kurzai

Importance: Closure of day care centers (DCCs) to contain the COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with negative effects on children’s health and well-being. Objective: To investigate the acceptance of self-sampling methods for continuous SARS-CoV-2 surveillance among asymptomatic children and childcare workers (CCWs) in DCCs. Design, setting, and participants: This nonrandomized pilot study included children and […]

Toxin-producing endosymbionts shield pathogenic fungus against micropredators

Richter I, Radosa S, Cseresnyés Z, Ferling I, Büttner H, Niehs SP, Gerst R, Scherlach K, Figge MT, Hillmann F, Hertweck C (2022)

The fungus Rhizopus microsporus harbors a bacterial endosymbiont (Mycetohabitans rhizoxinica) for the production of the antimitotic toxin rhizoxin. Although rhizoxin is the causative agent of rice seedling blight, the toxinogenic bacterial-fungal alliance is, not restricted to the plant disease. It has been detected in numerous environmental isolates from geographically distinct sites covering all five continents, […]